Friday 22 February 2008

Blimey O' Riley

Well, alright, just one more. This Riley was a cut-above the average, the sort of car that could only be driven with Dents driving gloves and a Dunhill pipe emphatically-packed with Player's Medium Navy Cut. It was for the man who liked a little, but not too much, sportiness in his life. Something to impress the twin-set off a secretary down at the works office, but still striking the right note after Sunday service with church elders and Miss Primrose in the choir. This stunning air-brushed image is from a 1960 brochure, at the time when the Riley One-and-a-Half litre was being superceded by the Pathfinder so beloved of Scotland Yard police (we're gaining on them sir!). I find the choice of a trio of Kent oast houses in the background interesting; this was a time when these vernacular buildings in the landscape would have typified the country life being sort after by the post war newly well-off. Particularly out in the southern countryside, within easy reach of London Bridge or Charing Cross by train. The Riley getting admiring glances from Standard or Triumph drivers parking-up at Eridge and Paddock Wood. I had one of these beautiful cars in the 70s, all black, red leather seats, and after the original valve radio had warmed-up out came Educating Archie.


  1. You see what's happening here ? Peter, it's not as easy a drug to kick as you might think - I would advise any small boys or other impressionable types to look upon Peter's downfall, his sliding into the murky underworld that is mechanica, as a warning. All's rosy and Ladybird in your life and then, like a spirit from the world of Hammer, a demon of incalculable cruelty siezes your mind and hurls you into a world of blackened finger nails and oily rags - WELCOME.

  2. It all started with that wretched Agricastrol jug. Why was I so weak? I'll find an AA patrol immediately so that I can raise an arm in salute and say "My name is Peter. I'm an automobilaholic".

  3. I once tried to explain the concept of radio ventriloquy, vis-a-vis Peter Brough and Archie Andrews, to a bunch of Hong Kong students.......On balance, they found the Theory of Relativity easier. No one younger than 50 would really understand, je pense.

    BTW, I love those Rileys! Now, can you find a brochure for the MG ZA or ZB? I loved them even more!

  4. Sorry Alois, but I do have the MG TD, complete with slogan "Safety Fast". Here we go again.

  5. Peter. You're beyond help - not helped (odd that) by the company you keep, ever the case with addictions.
