Wednesday 24 December 2008

Custard Christmas

This is Bird's back cover advertisement from the Britannia and Eve magazine, Christmas 1946 issue. It makes its appearance to wish all my readers and commentators the seasons greetings. And as a digital substitute for a real Christmas card to all those whose address has slipped down the back of the Unmitigated Archive.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  1. Wonderful image - and I like that book cover below as well. I have been thinking of you and your blog lately as I have been working my way through a travel book called _In Unfamiliar England_, first published in 1910 then revised and republished in 1924 as _In Unfamiliar England with A Motor Car_. Both written by Thomas Murpy and published in Boston by L.C. Page. I will eventually get around to a post on these (I bought both editions, I was so taken) at my blog and I will email you some scans of the cover art which is fabulous. Merry Christmas

  2. I like my custard fresh but my mother has arrived for Christmas with her very own pack of Birds...some things never change thank goodness...Merry Christmas to all here from all of us over the water.

  3. Great shot as always Peter. And a Happy Blogging Christmas to you and your ever widening fan base. Coo-er Missus.

  4. What a great ad, what a great product, I can even buy it in America thank goodness, (have to have bananas and custard when it gets cold)...and a Happy Christmas to you too.

  5. Verily you are the custard cream of bloggers.

    "And as the custard of fate is poured over the rhubarb crumble of life" Humph might have said. We wish you a merry Christmas Mr.A.

  6. Bird's Custard. Great stuff, not to be trifled with. Here's to many warming crumbles in the New Year.

  7. What a lovely image. Season's greetings and a happy new year!

  8. A fascinating read. I fancy some custard now.
