Tuesday 14 July 2009

Find The Fault No 18

We've been here before I fear. Still, it is No.18, so the artist must be getting tired. But I do like the picture, with that alien creature worming its way down the chimney pot. And the close proximity of the houses to the church (what do we reckon- Early English? Those pinnacles look a bit Perpendicular). I'm running out of things to say aren't I? I've kept some spuds from Sunday that I'm going to fry up for breakfast, and the lawns need cutting. Might make a corn beef hash tonight. Oh, a swallow's just landed on the phone wire.


  1. Oh Dear. Different times on the clock faces, which as we've heard before is unlikely due to the mechanism. The Church is nice though, reminds me of Rothwell, or Rushton.

  2. Thankyou Office Pest, I'm glad to have got that one out of the way. The card does indeed say "Clocks do not synchronise". I can go and get my breakfast now.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wouldn't like to have my bedroom in that dormer window at 5-to-Choral Matins on a Sunday!

  5. If the tower is at the west of the church from what angle is the sun shining?

  6. But what IS that alien thing infesting the chimney? Should we call in Torchwood? Oh no - they're all dead...

  7. It''s called a 'cowl' F.U. Sorry, that sounds a bit rude. No offence. What it does is revolve with the wind direction so that smoke doesn't blow back down the stack. They're also very good in discouraging jackdaws from nesting.

  8. Yes Early English with a tower rebuilt in the 15th century. (Cusped tops to the twin lights would have been better with the quatrefoil in the nave window, but, as you say, the artist is getting tired.)

  9. (Sorry. I sound as if I'd swallowed a Pevsner in that last comment.)

  10. I'm afraid accountant is right - the shadow means the tower must be at the east end, a very very very unusual arrangement.

  11. Sorry everyone, I didn't mean to dismiss the church's odd orientation so quickly. I just assumed that this was the north elevation, on a late June evening. The clocks are obviously no help.

  12. The Green Man's face is to the right of the tower...or maybe I had a little too much Sancerre last night?

  13. Obviously you needed the Sancerre to look that closely, even if in soft focus Jon. But ooh er! Sure it's not Aleister Crowley?

  14. well it comes as no surprise to find that clock synch is a factor in the artist's life - i had just assumed it to be one of his red herrings.

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