Tuesday 8 September 2009

Find The Fault No 38

Pretty straightforward this morning I think. I like the 'plane and its cream and red livery, the Art Deco control tower and the row of hangars. Nice day too.


  1. It seems that this plane would be destined to follow the fate of the Oozlum Bird and fly in ever decreasing circles finally to disappear, as it has twice the engine power on its starboard wing

  2. oh dear, oh dear - Bucks, hook, line & sinker. The fault here is in the lack of de-icing equipment on the main wing leading edge. During early tests of this asymetric plane at the high altitude strip in Argentina's alte plano, de-icing equipment was essential. After the success of the Blohm und Voss BV 141 much development took place in Argentina after The War. Having pinched the the tail plane idea from the Constelation, B&V were convinced that tri-motor was the way to go. Pratt&Whitney provided the power in a rare Nazi/Republican collaberation and the BV 373 was born (June 1957). It might have been helpful if the artist had captured the scene more head on - your error is quite understandable Bucks.

  3. It's never straight forward is it. I think, Diplo, that you should get in touch with Mr.Deighton, who is researching a big book on the aero engine.

  4. Bloody Hell !
    Shafted again by Diplo !
    But am I downhearted ?
    Nah !

  5. The problem-setter's just not trying here is he!

    Plug: Jonathan Meades' new 3-parter on Scotland begins 9pm tomorrow on BBC4

  6. Thanks for the Meades plug DC. Now, where's the lead for my digibox.

  7. Tower looks a little like Speke.(urgh..john lennon nowadays)

  8. I saw a Flying Fortress at the weekend. and a Hurricane and a Spitfire. I really liked it.

  9. Thud beat me to it! Speke was a fab art deco airport.

  10. My Neighbour Who Knows What I Like came round and asked if the 'plane was for doing circular tours.

  11. Wartime Housewife - Were you anywhere near Cosby. Some serious pyrotechnic stuff reported over the weekend.
