Wednesday 25 November 2009

Diamond Dog

What is it when we keep seeing faces in in the mundane? The Virgin Mary on toast, Hitler on a bath plug? Pareidolia, that's it. So is it just me that sees a dog's head here, made out of a scrap of paper, a stray twig and two bits of dirt. Spotted on the pavement in the next village, I now expect good fortune to follow in its wake. Which in my case will mean the seat being taken out of my trousers by a slavering rottweiler. No, I must be positive. It means that my erstwhile publisher will come back from his lunch of tripe and onions at St. John's in Clerkenwell and say "Ooh, I must ring Peter immediately and commission him to do eight more bestsellers for me".


  1. Apparently I don't suffer from this condition, I guess that means I am out of luck.

  2. Oh Karin, I'm sure you find faces appearing in your fantastic miniatures. Thankyou very much for commenting, I loved seeing your blog.

  3. Looks like too much Banks's Bitter last night to me.

  4. absolutely not the smallest inkling of what you're on about. I've tried with beer and without - all to no avail

  5. Actually, I wish I hadn't done this.

  6. I have a suspicion that beer already featured strongly in this post.

  7. Oh dear. I'd better do something deeply meaningful on a seventeenth century limestone conduit or something. And quickly.

  8. The first time I looked at this I couldn't see a dog at all; today, I saw it right away. But did the good fortune follow for you?

  9. I can't see a dog at all, but the Virgin Mary does appear infrequently on my toast. I've got a little stamp but it only works on white bread and I don't eat white bread. Unlucky!
