Wednesday 28 April 2010

The Egg Box Camera

Returning home yesterday afternoon from the far north eastern corner of the Dengie Peninsular in Essex, I saw this sign at the side of the road near Bradwell-on-Sea. Obviously amused, I carried on driving and then, after a mile or so decided I really should've photographed it. So I turned back, and very intrigued I carefully opened the makeshift box that had painted on it 'Bulls Eggs In Here'. Of course it contained boxes of hen's eggs, but I now know that the owners of the chickens are David and Ruth Bull. How do I know? Well, after buying half-a-dozen eggs I drove back home to Leicestershire, and a hundred miles or so later I came to a halt on the A14 at Cambridge due to an accident. As I sat there waiting I thought I'd check my shots. Of course I would've done if I'd had my camera. I hadn't, because it was still sitting on top of the egg cupboard in Essex. But after a very long haul back and a spell of furious googling by my girlfriend, I eventually arrived back at the egg box. No camera. But a man carrying buckets of eggs across a field (the gate had 'Beware Of The Bull' on it) stopped and stared at me. "Are you Mr.Bull?" I called out, "I'm Peter". He put the buckets down and shouted back "Then I'm just about to reunite you with your camera". Thankyou so much Mr & Mrs.Bull, thankyou Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Full acknowledgement will be rendered elsewhere. Right, where's my egg timer. Phew.


  1. Blimey, what a relief. A big glass of eggnog all round for all concerned, then. Or a glass of bull's blood.

  2. I had a very big glass of something, I can tell you. Actually more than one.

  3. Peter.I did exactly the same last week, but had only travelled a further mile. Mine was being picked up from the roadside by a very large man on a Harley Davidson, who handed it to me and wished me a good day! My faith in humanity was restored.

  4. can't beat a harley rider tobe .....!!!!!!!!

  5. I lost the ancient carburettor from a veteran bike I was trailing on saturday somewhere between New Anzac and Hastings - sadly although I retraced the journey on sunday there was unsurprisingly, no sign. Not quite as valuable as the Leica but much more difficult to replace. Not a helpful Harley'iste in sight so it's probably a paperweight by now or a home for snails.

  6. I have made so bold as to nick this for a post about photo blogs. I hope you don't mind.....
