Friday 6 August 2010

Where's That Now Then

This is my very recent shot of the Cley-next-the-Sea windmill featured in last Tuesday's quiz. I managed to get down into someone's tiny boat moored on the water, almost exactly where the boat is in the original picture. You can immediately see how much silting and general narrowing has gone on in the last 60-odd years. My trouble was that I had great difficulty in getting out of the boat, and ended up going in the River Glaven. In obvious distress that naturally involved a lot of very loud cursing, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, who shall be nameless, couldn't do anything for laughing, and when I finally got back up onto dry land by squelching up a wooden ladder, I found people patting her on the back because she was crying and choking at the same time.


  1. Wow, it looks so pretty.
    That's an area of the country that I know little of.

  2. And so, as the river water of fate seeps up the trouser legs of eternity, and the onlooker of fate rolls about laughing on the bank...I notice that a rather fine image has appeared on my screen.

    Carry on. Regardless.

  3. I'm glad that the picture survived the experience! I hope the camera did too.

  4. This wasn't the first time that I've toppled into water whilst snapping away. In every case the camera is held aloft like the sword Excalibur in the lake.
