Wednesday 6 October 2010

Where's That Then? No 42

Abject apologies for my non-arrival yesterday. Unavoidable, so perhaps I should start a new series called Where Was I Yesterday?, which applies to the uncompromising scene above. A tricky one I know, but the big clue I can give is that just off to the left of this scene is one of my very favourite dock structures in England. As seen in a recent book.


  1. Grimsby? I have no evidence for this, but have recently learned of the existence of the Dock Tower...

  2. Teesside has its transporter bridge. Could it be Teesside?

  3. I'm with Mr W above! There was a Hudson, Ward & Co based at Goole docks...

  4. Blimey what a Rapid Response Team you are. Filthy Engineer gets there first. I went to York via trunk roads and motorways, but took a slower drive back via Selby, Howden Minster (what a tower!)and Goole.

  5. yes - quite right etc - and your favourite bit old dock-side architecture would be the coal hopper i guess ?
