Tuesday 12 October 2010

Where's That Then? No 43

I love clock towers. Marking the hours above stable yards, regimenting school timetables and a focus point for swifts on summer evenings. Here's one on a bank, but in which town?


  1. Bingo Henry, well spotted. I drove into the centre yesterday, forgetting it was their Mop Fair, so just to the right of my picture are hugh pieces of metal and plastic flying around lit by light bulbs.

  2. yes - yes that's all very well but where are my Izmir Cigarettes from the smoker's emporium ? eh ? One thing - just one - that's all you had to bloody remember. Sometimes I wonder if there are perhaps some people who are content to go through life with complete disregard for the "Find a Real Turkish Smoke" search. MORE CAMPAIGNING !

  3. Oh Diplo, I'm so sorry. I'll go back there NOW.

  4. Growing up in Warwick I have fond memories of The Mop. One vivid and colourfull one is of the roasting of an Ox over a charcoal fire. Real Diplo stuff.

  5. Where's "Where's That, Then?" then?

  6. My point being: where's this week's?!?

  7. I think this is this week's - you'll notice a very slight shift of the clock hands - I think Ashley was trying to fool us

  8. Ah, cunning. Time passing in the apparent absence of the intrepid blogger, who has no doubt gone to ground in the absence of Izmir Cigarettes. The mop will have gone too. Here in Gloucestershire we've just had the Tewkesbury Mop, plus our own tiny Winchcombe Mop (two rides and a dog, but it's an excuse, if one were needed, for the local youth to have a good scrap).

  9. Still looks remarkably like S-u-A

  10. Unlike Lord A not to give us even a break-in-service update. May stop dropping by.

  11. official complaint - i shall be reporting this lack of activity to the relevant authorities. Plus I'm meeting the blog administrator for a beer tonight so I'll get the whole story.

  12. Hope it is nothing serious.
