Tuesday 23 November 2010

Where's That Then? No 46

One of my favourite places, and a great adventure playground for my boys. And on top of all that, it's free. Any clues? Let's just say east.


  1. There's more than a passing resemblance to Castle Acre here.

  2. Well Done Rate My Sausage. I can't believe I've just typed that.

  3. Huzzah!

    And I can't believe I just hit the nail on the head.

    Castle Acre is indeed a splendid adventure playground for kids 5-90.

  4. yes yes - marvelous - I believe you may have mentioned Castle Acre, and your fondness for the place, on these pages before. Particularly good monochrome this week. One of the downsides of leaving the house at 05.00 hrs is i don't get to have a go at your WTT? very often. Keep up the good work.

  5. Diplomate, mea culpa.

    I think I missed the "game" being to skirt around knowing the answer for a while. Sorry. I know now.

    Peter - have you ever photographed sausages? Would you consider it?

  6. RMS: I think I'd be good at photographing sausages.

  7. Ah Mr Ashley. Photographing bangers now? Could be that you have found your sausage role,

  8. RMS - I am just as quick to rattle an answer in if I'm around so you crack on - first one gets the big prize - you must speak to Ashley about that but it may be a barrel of beer or similar.

  9. Diplo - full or empty? Either way, worth 'aving!

    And Mr A, have you ever considered guest reviewing for a sausages website?

  10. Castle Acre...Castle Rising...I remember once being very amused, in a juvenile way, to pass a signboard for Castle Roofing, a firm of contractors in Bishops Stortford. None of my non-historically minded friends got the 'joke'.

    Google now reveals there are many Castle Roofings.

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