Sunday 16 January 2011


So, farewell then Susannah York. On the day she passed away I was by remarkable coincidence showing Second Eldest Boy Tom Jones, Tony Richardson's seminal 1963 film in which she played Sophie Western: "Mr. Blifil! You can't be in earnest! If you are, I am the most miserable woman alive." I first saw it sitting nervously in Leicester's Picture House cinema (it was an old-fashioned 'X' certificate and I was under age) and remember thinking, as Miss York made her first delectable appearance on the bridge at Stepleton Iwerne in Dorset, "Blimey, who's that?". And today, as I heaved logs into the shed I noticed again one of the big wooden red 'E's from the main sign for the Picture House hanging up on the wall.


  1. You boys!She couldn't act, had limpid vacant eyes and a strange large mouth - OOps,suddenly I get it. Sorry she's gone though, as I see more of these mid-century icons leave us I know that my number will soon be up.

  2. What are those women doing to that poor bloke's trousers????? No wonder you should not have been allowed in the picture theatre back then :)

  3. Sad news.
    How ever will we get through another Battle of Britain ?
    Ah yes...Call up Honeysuckle Weekes!
