Tuesday 29 March 2011

Creature Feature No 9

Just a quickie here. We went up to Lyveden New Bield on Sunday, and ended-up having teas and hot chocolates out on a lawn. They gave us wooden sticks as stirrers, and a kind lady came out with a tin of sweets. Which was very nice. The Boys soon ran off to continue a sword fight on one of garden mounts, leaving this behind on the iron table. I thought: how good is that, even down to the mop of hair made by a piece of uneaten (strangely) chocolate.


  1. Reminds me of the Uffington White Horse!

  2. Ooh yes you're right Mr.Handley. One of my favourite landmarks; or perhaps landing marker for alien spacecraft, the White Horse only being seen as it should be from the air.

  3. I don't suppose your kind lady was Greek and named Helen by any chance ?

  4. A perfect simulacrum of the cover of XTC's 'English Settlement'. Nice.

  5. WH: Where's his robes, then? (Oh, you mean the Andean pack animal not the Tibetan spiritual leader.)

  6. Did they have lamas in Bronze Age Britain?!Lugging the woad from encampment to encampment!!

  7. They had to be dedicated to the horse to leave the piece of Chocolate. I think my children would have had a horse with no hair!

  8. Haha - Love this, if you ever make it big and need
    financial advice then let us know! I think you should move to Bristol, Thriving community of creatives here!
