Monday 22 July 2013

New Arrivals

I've made some decisions this week, quite apart from re-starting my blog. But first a very big thankyou for to all those followers who didn't disengage and who have kept the faith whilst I've been faffing about. I've decided not to Twitter anymore after I looked at the last one I'd 'tweeted' that used all the word allowance to ponder on why there was a teatowel from Leatherhead blowing on my neighbour's washing line. And the same goes for MugBook. The truth is I just can't be bothered with all that, but what I will promise is that these Unmitigated Postings will be as regular as All Bran. It's a forum I love, I've been away from it far too long, and even if there's only my immediate followers out there reading it I shall be very happy.

The idea for my 'first' posting came from the above tin that I found irresistible in Market Harborough's Market Hall the other week, and the timing for it's first appearance is hopefully obvious. And having just received the fabulously beautiful gift of my first grandaughter from Only Daughter, I'm all ridiculously babied-up at the moment. So here's to all new arrivals, royal or not quite so royal. (Opens bottle of Pimm's, puts a teat on it, gurgles it down in one, falls over. Smiling beatifically.) 


  1. Marvellous, very good, carry on

  2. Marvellous, very good, carry on

  3. As I ponder the mystery of how the penguin is holding the tin in its beak, I'll open up my own bottle of Pimm's and toast the new arrivals.

  4. Stephen Barker23 July 2013 at 09:14

    Hullo, good to see you back. Not quite Pimm's weather today.

  5. Brilliant Peter! Good to see you back. I'm off to buy Pimms too.

  6. Well done old boy, good to have you back.

  7. Hurrarh! and Huzzah!. You're back.

  8. Part of the firmament again - missed your cream amongst the gone-off milk

  9. Thank goodness. Civilisation in digital form. Welcome back Unmitigated England.
    Yours ever,

  10. About bleedin' time. Good to see you back.
