Thursday 24 December 2015

The Unmitigated Christmas Table Top

A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!


  1. Thank you, Peter, for your kind Wishes. I send the same to you and yours.

    Many thanks for such a splendid, interesting, and thought-provoking Blog.

    Did I have the pleasure, recently, of seeing your Hollywood-sculpted cheekbones, and hearing your dulcet tones, on the Railway Television Programme "Great British Railway Journeys", hosted by Michael Portillo ?

  2. Hope you and yours are having a lovely Christmas and best wishes for 2016.

  3. All the very best for a splendidly unmitigated 2016!


  4. Thank you all, very much.

    Zephyrinus: Haven't appeared with the Portillo yet, but you may have been disturbed by my presence on two Timeshift programmes: Between The Lines and The Joy of Sets.
    Hollywood-sculpted cheekbones though? Surely some mistake.
