Tuesday 26 April 2016


My apologies for being off air for so long. Can't believe early March was the last time. However, my purpose here is to make another apology; to all those of you who so kindly subscribed to my Unmitigated Postcard Box. There wasn't the same kind of support from Unbound themselves, very sadly because I actually do believe in what they are doing. Well, maybe a little less now. At my request they promised to close down my page yesterday, but that hasn't happened either. But when they get round to it money will be refunded, or, if you want, transferred to another project.

Interest has been shown by two 'real' publishers in producing it, so there is hope it may find an appreciative home. Failing that I may do it myself and travel around the country like a medieval pedlar, a stack of yellow boxes on my back as I trudge from town to town, hoarsely crying out my wares. In the meantime here are five postcards to be going on with:


  1. Coloured based selections of objects to display on the postcards are very attractive. Goes to show - even commercially oriented images can produce real art.

  2. Indeed Hels. I've always loved collating colours like this. Even before the postcard project.

  3. Really effective way of pulling together unconnected objects. Very pleasing to the eye. Love the "Vice Head Boy" badge in the yellow collection. What were they thinking? Or is it just me?

  4. Thank you Alan. Another discipline I use is to only put in objects I find within the house. Although here it's not that difficult. And yes, Vice Head Boy. I used to have the female equivalent, but think it's been nicked by someone for her blazer.

  5. Still looking forward to the postcards in one form or another. You'll get there, I'm sure! The colour-collated pictures remind me of someone - and I can't remember who on earth it is - who makes colour-collated photos of objects washed up on beaches. Does that ring any bells?

  6. Yes it does Sue, but I can't think either. One bloke whose work in a similar vein I love is Sid Burnard, who collects beach stuff and makes animals and birds without essentially altering the source material. You'd love it.

  7. Here you are - Stuart Haygarth!

    I'll go and look at Sid Burnard now ...

  8. First time reading this thanks for sharing
