Friday 23 December 2016

Pillars of Local Society

A Very Merry Christmas to all my friends in Unmitigated England


  1. Lovely Peter, festive felicitations to you and raise a glass of vintage port to all who read your excellent blog, all the best, Dickie

  2. And a very happy Christmas from a very unsnowy Hertfordshire.

  3. Happy Christmas to you too Peter and thank you for the blog; it never fails to inform, amuse and provoke thought. Best wishes for 2017.

  4. Happy Christmas, mon ami. Keep your turkey basted.

  5. Hope your halls are well-decked, fa-la-la-la-la and all that!

  6. And to you!!
    Finally got to the ancestral home of Hallaton and the required grubbing around in the cemetery with the iphone torch seeking long gone relatives. Should have set out earlier. Will be back in the daylight...
    Happy new year to you and yours.

  7. Thank you all for your kind words, and a Happy New Year.

    Jon: So near and yet so far! The next time you're going to be lurking about in Hallaton you must give me warning! Did you know there was a secondary churchyard down the lane from the church?
