Monday 19 March 2012

Woolly Thoughts

Yesterday saw me wandering around the troubled Market Harborough Antiques Market. I won't go into the appalling way the local council are treating their electorate, because you can read about it here in a piece written by the admirable Wartime Housewife who now regularly exhibits in the Market Hall on Sundays. Finding I only had 50p in my pocket after the rest had been extorted from me by my Youngest Offspring, I was relieved to find this photograph in a box for exactly that amount. But where is it? This isn't a revival of the Where's That Then? posts that once graced this blog (at least you did something back then- Ed.) , as I haven't a clue. Except there may be one or two. The half-timbered wool shop has a distinct West Midlands look, and indeed the Hillman Minx number plate was issued in Dudley, certainly Warwickshire. The white car is a Ford Anglia or revamped Popular I think. It reminds me of one my brother had in pale blue. We went to Scotland in it around 1960, and we shared the crossing of the Clyde on the ferry from Gourock to Dunoon with a coffin-shaped box wrapped in sacking that was placed by the front bumper. I got out to look at the attached label, and it said 'To Dunoon: One Passenger'. A hearse stood waiting on the quayside. But all that doesn't really help does it? Sorry.


  1. It's in Ludlow - and pleasingly, The Wool Shop is still there:

  2. Good grief Ten Inch, that was quick. Thankyou very much.

  3. I'm impressed! I was actually going to suggest Ludlow or Leominster - but they'd just have been guesses.

  4. I didn't know they still existed. I used to love the smell of the wool shop in Newton Abbot that my mother bought from and the crunchy cellophane in which the wool was packaged. Well done TIW for that fast reply, I would have expected this one to run and run.

  5. A very late comment, I know, but I've only just discovered your marvellous blog. I recognized the wool shop immediately as being in Ludlow. We once stayed there in self-catering accommodation that was reached via a passageway beside this very shop. This would be about 1995, so I'm delighted to hear that the shop is unaltered.
