Monday 2 April 2012

Off We Go

I couldn't resist this. It arrived in this morning's post and of course I had to share it with you. It still has the playing cards in it, but not a complete set. But what's really good is that I've had a complete set without a box for years. 'Tis but a small thing for a Monday morning, but at least it's put a smile on my face.


  1. What a wonderful thing, and congratulations on finding the box, that cannot have been easy. It looks about 1930-ish from the style of the car. Any chance of showing us any of the contents, please?

  2. The contents are quite boring compared to the box (just one colour black line drawings), but I will see what I can do.

  3. Lovely! A Buick? Golf clubs in the back and off to the club in the Berkshires. A bit chilly with no side screens.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Do you know, I hadn't noticed the golf clubs. No idea of the make of car, but Buick's such a good name. Like Packard, De Soto or Studebaker.

  6. Excellent artwork. I missed the golf bats too.

    One of Raymond Chandler's characters, when she gets annoyed with a man, says that she feels as if she ought to 'throw a Buick at him'.

  7. With the petrol price shenanigans, the days of "Touring" around in a motor car for fun are long gone. But I do still remember the idea of "going out for a drive" with no destination in mind on a Sunday afternoon.

  8. The body style is known as a Phaeton. Judging by the headlamp size, it would have been around in the 1920s. The artist of course was free to draw the body on any chassis that he wished, and with the same freedom I would have selected the wonderfully named Dorris Pasadena for my transport.

  9. On hold with a car dealer as I type. Not too far from Salem! Wish this car was still available!

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