Tuesday 2 June 2015

The Silent Spectator

Last week I paid my respects to my friend the artist Rigby Graham . The funeral was in the suitably gothic St.John's church in Clarendon Park Leicester, and as we filed out afterwards I couldn't help noticing this surreal juxtaposition. The figure is one of a series positioned on the pavements outside the junior school opposite to slow down motorists, much like those arm-waving plastic policeman they use so effectively in France. I share it with you not out of any ghoulish intention, but simply because I know that Rigby would've loved it.


  1. One of these 'children' is painted by a brown face and bright yellow hair, it looks somewhat surreal.I find them slightly creepy.

  2. That should read 'with a brown face and yellow hair' I don't know where the by crept in from.

  3. Stranger things happen in Clarendon Park I'm sure Stephen.

  4. It's my guess that he'd have liked the orange colour of the figure's jacket (or whatever it is) too.

  5. Please tell us about the coffin -- is that basketwork?

  6. Hello Peter. Yes it is a wicker coffin. Rigby was buried in a green cemetery in Scraptoft in Leicester.

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