Thursday 16 July 2015


Sorry, but I've had my nose in a book. A new Unmitigated book that should be out in the autumn. A lame excuse for the non-appearance of my blog I know, but anyway. Here's one of the photographs for what will be English Allsorts; in fact the last picture in the book. That's Bobby the Dog posing beautifully with a very nearly fully restored 1952 Jaguar XK120 Fixed-Head Coupe in Old English White. Found in a field in Zimbabwe in 1999. Bobby and her owner live very remotely in the Wye Valley in Herefordshire, and this photo shoot was just at the very start of a typically blokeish weekend that involved homemade cappacinos, glugging beer and red wine (in different glasses), cooking mutton in a fire pit and more Jaguars. More soon on the Allsorts front.


  1. My husband looked at the photo and LOVED the car.
    I didn't even see the car, but I did see the magnificent black labrador!!

  2. Thank you Hels. Bobby was so brilliant.

  3. This new book already looks as compulsive as The Cigarette Papers which I was able to import cheap from the States, several years after it was published. But Christmas is coming up . . . there’s a thought. Will you be signing copies?

  4. Hello Vincent. Thank you. I expect I shall be ruining people's copies by scrawling over title pages somewhere. Watch this space!

  5. Great. You were fortunate to encounter such a cooperative hound. And both of these beasts look as if they have plenty of power in reserve.

  6. Love the composition of the photo with the black/white contrast - rather like a liquorice Allsort, actually.

  7. Thankyou Phil. And Sue: I honestly hadn't thought of that, so thank you!

  8. As a proud owner of a growler myself (an S type, since you ask) I was quite taken with your photograph. You can put my name a copy of the book, that's for sure.

  9. Thankyou John! I too growl around the countryside very satisfactorily.

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