I photographed this chap on our nearby green lane last Saturday afternoon, and I'm a little unsure what it is apart from being fungaloid. Pouring through the books the nearest I get is that it might be a young Shaggy Ink Cap. If so, presumably it will grow into what my King Penguin Edible Fungi calls '...a murderous stake' for some reason. Of course it might also be unbelievably toxic and its poisonous spores may have been carried home in my camera bag where they will grow until they burst out in the middle of the night and start re-arranging the furniture. Or not. I'm looking forward to getting out into the local woods this autumn and finding other examples of these wonderfully photogenic subjects, although the combination of wet weather and humid conditions appear to have made them start appearing much earlier than usual. I hope to find the elusive Giant Puffball in order to eat it after the photo shoot.